We demand justice.
We stand with survivors.
Rising Together| A Genocide Prevention Day Webinar
Dec 9th 2024, 1PM EST
The Honourable Ali Ehsassi,
Member of Parliament and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
Community Representative Speakers:
Dr. Tahir Shaaran - Hazara
Mehmet Tohti - Uyghur
Makeda Leul - Tigray
Roy Wignarajah - Tamil
Sherap Therchin - Tibet
Pascal Kenyemera - Tutsi
Moderated by Joanne M Hodges and James Joseph
The Alliance of Genocide Victim Communities (AGVC) is dedicated to preventing and ending genocide through a multifaceted approach that includes awareness raising, advocacy, justice and accountability, education, and evidence collection and documentation.
We envision a world where genocide is no longer a threat, and where all people can live in peace, dignity, and freedom.
To achieve our goals, we will:
Raise awareness about the reality and consequences of genocide, and the urgent need to prevent and respond to it.
Hold perpetrators of genocide accountable for their crimes, and seek justice for victims and survivors.
Educate the public about the history and dynamics of genocide, and empower individuals and communities to take action to prevent it.
Celebrate the ongoing existence of every genocide victim community’s people and culture.
Advocate for coherent and consistent human rights policies in Canada, and work with policymakers to ensure that human rights are protected and promoted both domestically and internationally.
Work to prevent genocide by identifying and addressing the root causes of violence and discrimination, and promoting tolerance, diversity, and inclusivity.
Collect and document evidence of genocide, and use this evidence to support legal proceedings, advocacy efforts, and public awareness campaigns.
The Alliance of Genocide Victim Communities is committed to building a strong, diverse, peaceful and inclusive movement to prevent and end genocide and to ensure that the voices of survivors and victims are heard and respected.
Voices for Justice
Empowering Change to Remember, Condem and Prevent Genocide
April 17th 2024
AGVC 2024 Press Conference
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